Milkmaid And Her Pail Day Dreamer Milkmaid Story In English Bedtime Stories by Baby Hazel
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That daydreaming milk made in a farawayvillage there lived a pretty milkmaidshe would take good care of her cow andthe cow would give her fresh and creamymilk every day this brush and greengrass for you she would work hard butalso daydreameda lot oh what a dilly dreamer
she wasshe would think that the bees werebuzzing around her to play with her letme quickly go to the market and sell themilk without wasting any timethe little milkmaid quickly headedtowards the market to sell fresh milkwith the money back from selling thismilk I will buy itColin would be so nice to see the eggsoon a babychase was shot from the enemy
I willfeed the chicks very well and it willbecome a healthy[Music]my lovely and will a plenty of egg Iwill sell those eggs and make so muchmoney with all the money you getI like so many things oh yes I'll buysome fancy trouble and dress up sonicely Wowwearing that pretty dress I will go tothe ball and everyone will shower mewith praises in the ball
I will meettheir royal princeoh my I'll be dancing with the mosthandsome prince allow me for a dance myfair lady yes of course[Music]she stumbled upon a large stone and felldown the pail of milk on the ground allher ambitious hopes and dreams spilledon the ground just like her pail of milk[Music]so friends the moral of the story is donot count the chickens before they arehatched
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